Qusuf and Khusuf (Solar and Lunar Eclipse) Salat ul-Qusuf (Arabic:
صلاة الكسوف‎) is a prayer consisting of two rakaah performed during a
solar eclipse.

Solar Eclipse

Salat ul-Khusuf is a two rakaah prayer performed during a lunar
eclipse. Muslims recognize that everything in the heavens and on earth
is created and sustained by the Lord of the universe, Allah Almighty.

Throughout the Qur’an, people are encouraged to look around them,
observe and reflect on the beauties and wonders of the natural world –
as signs of Allah’s majesty. “Allah is He, who created the sun, the
moon, and the stars — (all) governed by laws under His commandment.”
Qur’an 7:54 “It is He who created the night and the day and the sun
and the moon. All (the celestial bodies) swim along, each in its
orbit.” Qur’an 21:33 “The sun and the moon follow courses exactly
computed.” Qur’an 55:05 In remembrance and gratefulness for all of His
favors, Muslims all over the world bow down in prayer five times each

For More Details : http://adilmohd.wordpress.com/
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