Jailhouse Tech Sniffs Out 'Cell' Phones

By Nathan Hodge
Associated Press

April 24, 2009 | 10:25:00 AM


In prison, the cellphone is a deadly weapon: Inmates can use contraband 
phones to plot more crime, intimidate or kill witnesses or plan escape. 
But the introduction of the Safe Prisons Communications Act of 2009 -- 
which would amend federal law to allow jamming technology to block 
smuggled cell phones -- has prompted a showdown between jamming 
advocates and wireless communications companies.

Jammers, however, are not the only tool for battling contraband 
cellphones. Several companies are marketing cellphone detection as a 
smarter alternative to jamming. The principle is straightforward: 
instead of blocking signals, prison authorities can use a network of 
sensors to detect cellphone transmissions, measure their use and 
triangulate their location.

I spoke recently to Terry Bittner of ITT Corporation, which markets a 
system called Cell Hound. It's currently installed in some state and 
federal institutions. According to Bittner, a system like Cell Hound is 
more of an intel tool. Illicit phones are often hidden with other 
contraband -- and detectors can not only locate phones, but track the 
patterns of the callers. "You need to study the habit of the phone -- 
who uses it most of the time, how it got in there," he said. "They will 
never store the phone in a cell where they use it. They rent it out to 
other inmates. In some cases they won't use the phone." Cell Hound scans 
for the most common cellphone radio-frequency signatures in North 
America; a central server then maps the location and gives a visual 
alert on a corrections officer's workstation.

ITT is not the only company in this game, however. Israeli prisons also 
have a major issue with contraband phones (pictured here); Israeli 
electronic warfare firm Netline also markets a cellphone detection 
system with a central control. Cellphone detection could potentially 
have other applications, too: Detecting illicit cellphone use inside 
secure conference facilities, or to aid a network in pushing marketing 
messages or alerts to mobile phones.

Typically, law enforcement and intelligence agencies don't like to 
advertise what kinds of tools they use to counter or detect illicit 
communications. ITT, for instance, initially marketed Cell Hound in a 
very low-key fashion; but pending legislation in Congress, as Bittner 
described it, forced the company to "come out of the closet" with its 

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204 
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
Mail: antunes at uh dot edu


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