On Comedy's Flying Trapeze

The New York Times
October 4, 2009

ASTONISHINGLY, "Monty Python's Flying Circus," the groundbreaking BBC 
comedy series, is 40 years old this year, almost as ancient as the 
Beatles. As Terry Jones, one of the six-member troupe who created and 
acted in the show, said recently: "Time just seems to get quicker. 
You look in the mirror in the morning and you think, 'I'm already 
shaving again!' "

The principals are all in late middle age now, jowly and graying, and 
have in some ways become the very sorts of people they used to poke 
fun at. Michael Palin makes travel documentaries. Mr. Jones makes 
documentaries and writes scholarly books about the Middle Ages, the 
period the Pythons so memorably sent up in their film "Monty Python 
and the Holy Grail." Terry Gilliam, animator turned filmmaker, is 
still quixotically obsessed with making a movie about Don Quixote. 
Eric Idle, who's mostly responsible for the long-running Broadway 
production of "Spamalot," writes musical shows, many of them 
recycling Python material. And John Cleese, who at 70 is the oldest 
of the group, in addition to appearing in movies and sitcoms and 
making golf-ball commercials, sometimes turns into a cranky old 
buffer complaining about cultural decline and Britain's tabloids. He 
doesn't watch much comedy anymore. "As you get older you laugh less," 
he says, "because you've heard most of the jokes before."

The show, on the other hand, hasn't aged a bit. In the United States, 
"Flying Circus" didn't catch on until 1974, when it was pretty much 
off the air in Britain and the members had started to go their 
separate ways. Hugh Hefner was an early fan. Go figure.

But the show has had a surprisingly durable afterlife in this 
country, giving rise to second and third generations of fans who 
watch it on DVD and on YouTube, where it's so popular it now has its 
own dedicated channel. Mr. Cleese said recently that in England he is 
far better known these days as Basil Fawlty, the title character in 
his post-Python series "Fawlty Towers," than for his role in "Flying 
Circus." But even in American middle schools now, there's often a 
smart aleck or two who can do Mr. Cleese's Silly Walk and know the 
Dead Parrot sketch by heart. When they get to high school in a few 
years they will also have mastered the sketch about the man with 
three buttocks and know all the words to the gay lumberjack song.

On Oct. 15 all five surviving Pythons are appearing in a rare reunion 
at the Ziegfeld Theater. (Graham Chapman, the sixth member of the 
troupe, died of throat cancer in 1989.) And starting on Oct. 18 the 
Independent Film Channel is devoting a whole week to Pythoniana and 
will broadcast one episode a day of "Monty Python: Almost the Truth 
(The Lawyer's Cut)," a new six-hour documentary about the troupe, 
along with some of the "Python" films and episodes from the first 
season of "Flying Circus."

There will almost certainly be squabbling at the reunion. "They love 
getting angry and shouting at each other," Ben Timlett, a director 
and producer of the documentary, said recently. There were (and are) 
genuine differences among the Pythons, which they sometimes 
exaggerate for comic effect now, and there have been so many books, 
articles and previous documentaries that there is no truly reliable 
account of practically anything associated with the group. Partly for 
this reason, a number of the Pythons were initially reluctant to take 
part in the documentary.



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