Posted on Tuesday, May 09 @ 01:46:18 EDT by afcoadm1

DURHAM, N.C. -- After an exhaustive data search for new compounds,
researchers at Duke University's Pratt School of Engineering have discovered
a theoretical "metal sandwich" that is expected to be a good superconductor.
Superconductive materials have no resistance to the flow of electric

The new lithium monoboride (LiB) compound is a "binary alloy" consisting of
two layers of boron -- the "bread" of the atomic sandwich -- with lithium
metal "filling" in between, the researchers said. Once the material is
synthesized, it should be superconductive at a higher temperature than other
superconductors in its class, according to their results. 

The researchers reported their findings in the May 5 online edition of the
journal Physical Review B, Rapid Communications. 

"To the best of our knowledge, this alloy structure had not been considered
before," said Stefano Curtarolo, professor of mechanical engineering and
materials sciences at Duke's Pratt School. "We have been able to identify
synthesis conditions under which the LiB compound should form. And we
believe that if the material can be synthesized, it should superconduct at a
higher temperature, perhaps more than 10 percent greater, than any other
binary alloy superconductor." 

"The significance of the work is not only the discovery of lithium
monoboride itself, but also that this opens the door to finding derivatives
that could aid in the search for additional novel superconductors," added
Aleksey Kolmogorov, lead author of the study and a postdoctoral fellow at
the Pratt School. He said that once a new superconductive material is
identified, scientists typically can manipulate the substance -- twisting it
or doping it with other elements - to create related structures that might
have even more appealing properties. 

Superconductors have the potential to produce more efficient electronics and
electric generators, according to the researchers. The materials also have
unique magnetic capabilities that may enable their use in transportation
applications, such as "levitated" trains that glide over their tracks with
virtually no friction. 

However, today's superconductors perform only when cooled to extremely low
temperatures near absolute zero, which is -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit, or 0
degrees Kelvin. This requirement makes their use prohibitively expensive,
the researchers said. 

The first superconductive material was identified in 1911 when a Dutch
scientist cooled mercury to 4 degrees Kelvin, the temperature of liquid
helium. Since then, scientists have discovered superconductivity in various
materials, including other pure elements, complex ceramics, and binary

Since 1986, ceramics have held the overall record for highest
superconducting temperature -- currently 138 degrees Kelvin. Among pure
elements, lithium, when contained under pressure, holds the record at 20
degrees Kelvin. 

Recently, scientists scored an unexpected breakthrough with the discovery of
superconductivity in the simple binary alloy magnesium diboride (MgB2),
Curtarolo said. This compound holds the current temperature record for its
class at 39 degrees Kelvin, and it has attracted much attention because it
can be produced relatively easily from two abundant elements. 

"The physics of the superconductivity in MgB2 is now well understood,"
Kolmogorov said. "However, MgB2 has been shown to be such a unique
superconductor -- finely tuned by nature -- that attempts to improve it or
use it as a model for finding even better superconducting materials have so
far been fruitless." 

Curtarolo and Kolmogorov decided it was time to try something else. Using a
theoretical data-mining method developed by Curtarolo, the pair scoured a
database of experimental and hypothetical compounds, looking for other
possible configurations of binary alloys and tweaking their compositions. 

In the process, the team stumbled onto "a path to a new metal sandwich
structure consisting of stacks of metal and boron layers," Curtarolo said. 

Additional calculations identified the binary alloy lithium monoboride as a
promising candidate that might be both structurally stable and
superconductive at temperatures that exceed those of the current binary
alloy record-holder. 

"It's a very thin line, because as you try to increase the temperature at
which a material becomes superconducting, the material tends to lose its
stability," Kolmogorov said. "But we think lithium monoboride should be
stable and superconduct at temperatures greater than 39 degrees Kelvin." 

"It was like spotting a $100 bill on the street," Curtarolo said of the
finding. "It seemed impossible that this could be real and that no one had
seen it before." 

The researchers are now conducting more precise theoretical calculations of
LiB's "critical temperature" -- that is, the temperature at which it becomes
superconductive -- with computational support from the San Diego
Supercomputer Center at the University of California, San Diego. 

The material will have to be synthesized before experimental tests can
confirm any of the theoretical results, the researchers said. They added
that this won't be an easy process, as manufacturing lithium monoboride will
require extremely high temperatures and pressures.

Gregory S. Williams

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