Despite controversy, 'booth babes' still prowl E3

By Daniel Terdiman

Story last modified Thu May 11 12:10:55 PDT 2006

LOS ANGELES--If you came to E3 this year worried that the so-called "booth 
babes" wouldn't be here strutting their stuff, you already know you had 
nothing to fear.

That's because, while the scantily clad women may be a tad less scantily 
clad at E3 2006 than in years past, they're still very much in evidence, 
and they're still showing a lot of skin.

Booth babes

In January, the Entertainment Software Association, which runs E3, caused a 
stir in the video game world by announcing that it would no longer tolerate 
the barely covered women--hired by game publishers to attract men to their 
E3 booths--unless they put on more clothes.

The booth babes had prowled the halls at the Los Angeles Convention Center, 
where E3 is held each year, in costumes meant to invoke various video game 
characters--costumes that in many cases were little more than bikinis.

Booth babes have been such an attraction for many E3 attendees that there's 
even a fan site, E3 Girls, which sports the tagline "it's not about the games."

The ESA's announcement followed increased criticism that the video game 
industry was marketing sexual content to kids. The complaints were largely 
a response to the so-called "Hot Coffee" scandal, in which it was 
discovered that the popular game "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas" included 
sexual content, despite its being rated for under-18 audiences. The game 
was originally rated "M," meaning it was intended for consumers ages 17 and 
up. After "Hot Coffee," its rating was changed to "AO," or adults-only.

And now, with E3 in full swing, it's clear that the game publishers are 
working hard to ensure that booth babes are still on the show floor, are 
still posing for sexy pictures with adoring show attendees and are trying 
to get away with as much visible skin as possible.

Reuters reported in January that E3 rules state that "material, including 
live models, conduct that is sexually explicit and/or sexually provocative, 
including but not limited to nudity, partial nudity and bathing suit 
bottoms, are prohibited on the show floor."

 From its perspective, the ESA said nothing has changed from past years 
except that it now plans to ensure that its rules are followed. That means, 
presumably, that in previous years it was letting game companies slide when 
it came to the dress code.

"The E3Expo dress code rules remain identical to what they have been for 
the past several years and are similar to dress code policies of the vast 
majority of other major trade shows," Doug Lowenstein, ESA president, said 
in an e-mail statement to CNET "What's new in 2006 is an update 
and strengthening of the show's enforcement policies for these rules, which 
was communicated to exhibitors as a routine update."

But to some, that's nothing more than talk.

"I think the definition of 'booth babes' is really vague," said Susan 
Corben, vice president of marketing at Nyko Technologies, whose booth babe 
program at E3 is now in its third year. "They're trying to address blatant 
sexuality being marketed to minors. It's making a political statement 
regarding their position on sexuality in games."

Corben said that for E3 2006, Nyko had to have its booth babes' outfits 
approved by show organizers. And indeed, the Nyko outfits are clearly toned 
down from a year earlier.

In 2005, the Nyko models were on the floor in very short wraparound skirts 
and form-fitting tops that ended just below their breasts. This year, the 
Nyko models are showing just as much leg, but they're wearing regular white 
shorts, and T-shirts that entirely cover their midsections.

Corben said Nyko and other game companies were told that violations of the 
dress code would subject offending publishers to $5,000 fines. But she 
scoffed at the notion that such penalties would be a problem for those 
receiving them, especially because some companies spent six figures on 
their booths and as much as $50,000 on the signs for those booths alone.

Booth babe programs are "a lot more cost-effective, and I think publishers 
recognize that," said Corben. "Your (return on investment) is infinitely 
greater...I think a lot of people think the whole (policy) stunt was a joke."

Indeed, on the show floor, men were still lining up to take pictures of 
booth babes, just as in years past. And while the women's outfits may be 
showing a little bit less skin, there doesn't seem to be any sense that the 
women are selling sex any less.

"Honestly, this is exactly what I'm here for," Channa DeSilva, a Los 
Angeles game tester, said of the booth babes. "I would not be able to do 
this conference without pretty females to talk to."

DeSilva, who stood in line for about 10 minutes to have his picture taken 
with four women posing at publisher Tecmo's booth, laughed at the idea that 
booth babes were any less in evidence this year. And without prompting, he 
quickly pulled out his digital camera to show off a series of pictures of 
nothing but the dressed-down young women.

'People wear less at the beach'

To some of the women at the center of the controversy, the ESA's policy may 
well be much ado about nothing.

"I just think it's silly," said Lana Kinnear, a fourth-year E3 model 
working this time around for Sapphire Technology. "All the body parts were 
covered. People wear less at the beach."

Further, said Kinnear, who was wearing a skintight full-body suit, the 
booth babes are only real-life representations of the game characters 
they're supposed to be invoking.

"The video games (all) have half-naked people in them," she said.

Stephanie Arellano, a second-year model working for Vivendi Games and 
promoting its "Free Style" street basketball game, agreed.

"What we're wearing is reflective of the games," said Arellano. "Last year, 
I was dressed as (Lara Croft from "Tomb Raider"), with the boobs and 

But Arellano said she was happy that E3 is trying to crack down on the more 
extreme side of the booth babe spectrum.

"I think it's great that they're cutting down on the nudity part of it," 
she said. "Last year a lot of the women were practically nude. This year, 
it's being a (character from) the game, so you don't have to be nude. It's 
more clothing. It's more classy."

That said, Arellano doesn't think the ESA's enforcement policy has changed 
things all that dramatically. And she explained the publishers have an 
incentive to keep on bringing the underdressed women to E3.

"I don't think it's changed to the other end of the spectrum," Arellano 
said. "It's just calmed down. Like anything, sex sells. It's kind of like, 
we're never going to be covered up like a nun. They want sexy, (just) not 

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
antunes at uh dot edu

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