
Lawmaker Sees Both Sides of Broadcast Legislation
Rep. Greg Walden has a unique perspective in Congress as owner of five 
small radio stations.
By Jim Puzzanghera
LA Times Staff Writer

July 5, 2006

WASHINGTON — When Greg Walden joined most of his colleagues in the House of 
Representatives in approving a dramatic increase in broadcast indecency 
fines, he understood his vote could end up costing him money.

The Oregon Republican owns and operates five small radio stations and knows 
from experience just how easily the wrong word can slip off the tongue and 
onto the airwaves.

As the only broadcast license holder in Congress, Walden has a unique 
perspective on indecency and other issues important to the industry, 
enabling him to explain them on Capitol Hill.

"There is an incredible lack of understanding about the broadcast media in 
this Congress," said Walden, 49, who got his start in broadcasting more 
than three decades ago as a janitor at his father's rural Oregon stations. 
"I wish that the people who voted on these things and enforced them 
actually had to spend some time in a truly small-market environment."

At Walden's Oregon stations in Hood River and the Dalles, the person in 
charge of censoring obscenities from syndicated programs occasionally is 
busy with other jobs — or can be so stunned by an unexpected expletive that 
the seven-second delay ticks away before the word can be bleeped.

Like many in the broadcasting industry, Walden has complained that 
indecency rulings by the Federal Communications Commission have been 
inconsistent. For instance, the FCC allowed graphic language on the TV 
broadcast of Steven Spielberg's gritty World War II film "Saving Private 
Ryan" but issued fines for similar words on ABC's "NYPD Blue."

Those inconsistencies are the basis of a legal challenge of recent FCC 
rulings announced in April by the ABC, CBS, Fox and NBC networks.

"Just tell me what the boundaries are," Walden said. "Can I use that word 
or can't I? Don't tell me I can use it if it's this movie, but I can't use 
it if it's this program. How do I ever know?"

Nevertheless, Walden joined the overwhelming congressional majority in 
voting last month to increase the maximum indecency fines from $32,500 to 

Only 35 lawmakers opposed the change, including just one Republican. 
Walden's eastern Oregon district is strongly Republican, and he's a loyal 
backer of the House GOP leadership, which pushed for the higher fines after 
Janet Jackson's breast was briefly exposed on CBS during the 2004 Super 
Bowl halftime show.

"I recognized that something needed to be done, to have a little bigger 
hammer for the FCC," Walden said. "So now my concern is they don't 
overreact at the commission and start issuing fines that just put 
broadcasters out of business."

Noting that many small-market radio stations are worth less than the new 
maximum fine, Walden had inserted a provision into an earlier version of 
the legislation that encouraged the FCC to consider market size when 
levying fines. But the provision didn't make it into the final version 
signed into law by President Bush.

Still, having someone in Congress who can convey those concerns is 
important to the industry, said Dennis Wharton of the National Assn. of 
Broadcasters. "They might not listen to a lobbyist as much as they would 
somebody who really understands the business as an operator," Wharton said 
of lawmakers. "He understands the business more than anybody."

When a House subcommittee last fall was finishing legislation covering the 
digital TV transition, Walden pointed out a technical glitch affecting 
transponders that help beam broadcast signals through mountainous areas. 
The bill was amended to fix the problem, said Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.), 
the subcommittee's chairman.

"He brought some things to light that didn't come up in the hearings we 
had, or in the first couple of drafts of the legislation," Upton said. "He 
knows his stuff."

Walden, who was elected to the House in 1998, learned the radio business 
from the floors up.

He began as a part-time janitor at KIHR-AM in Hood River when he was 15 
years old. Walden went on to fill in for on-air personalities during 
vacations and on weekend shifts. He did local news, hosted a community talk 
show and sold ads.

Walden earned a journalism degree from the University of Oregon in 1981 and 
took over his father's two stations in 1986. He has purchased three more 
since then. He and his wife, Mylene, run the stations under Columbia Gorge 
Broadcasters Inc. and MSW Communications, which combined are worth $1 
million to $5 million, according to Walden's 2006 congressional financial 
disclosure statement.

Walden says he still does some "light engineering" around the stations on 
weekends, trying to fix problems. But one problem that needs some heavier 
re-engineering, he said, is how the FCC handles indecency.

"There was a long period where the FCC didn't set the boundaries and 
stations went way beyond community standards," Walden said. When the FCC 
started compensating a few years ago with heftier and more frequent fines, 
broadcasters became confused about the indecency boundaries.

With the maximum fines now increased tenfold, Walden wants the FCC to use 
discretion, recognizing that accidents happen — and that a $325,000 fine 
could bankrupt a small station.

He likes to tell the story of an interview that aired on one of his 
stations years ago. A local Lions Club official was asked about the group's 
Fourth of July festivities.

"Without a pause, the guy said, 'We have a [expletive] of stuff planned,' " 
Walden said. The interviewer was so stunned that he failed to bleep out the 
word during the seven-second delay.

Nothing ever came of the incident, but its implication in a new world of 
six-figure fines worries Walden.

FCC officials have argued that even an isolated slip of the tongue can harm 
children by exposing them to indecent language and that broadcasters have 
the responsibility to use delays to keep a "single and gratuitous" 
expletive from airing.

Given the FCC's control over his broadcast licenses, Walden said he was 
cautious about speaking directly with commissioners because it could be 
viewed as a conflict of interest. Walden said he always publicly mentions 
his FCC licenses when he votes or considers broadcasting issues.

But Walden's message to the FCC is clear: Be careful with the heavier 
indecency fines.

"I'm just saying, 'OK, you've now got this authority. Don't go be stupid 
about it,' " Walden said. "Understand how these stations operate, 
differentiate among them and look for ways to give clear guidance as to 
what's acceptable."

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
antunes at uh dot edu

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