Maryland County 'Stunned' By Verizon Suit

By John Eggerton
Broadcasting & Cable

7/5/2006 2:30:00 PM

The Montgomery County (Maryland) Council has fired back at Verizon in the 
wake of the telco's lawsuit charging the county with "unreasonable and 
illegal" demands in ongoing franchise contract negotiations.

Council VP Marilyn Praisner said in a statement: "I am stunned to have 
these false accusations by Verizon leveled against Montgomery County.

"Repeatedly I have urged Verizon to submit a cable franchise and yet they have
refused while posturing publicly before the Management and Fiscal Policy 
(MFP) Committee that they were committed to working with us...."

"Verizon just doesn't want to play by the same rules as everyone else.  The 
County has been more than patient with Verizon. We facilitated the 
deployment of their fiber optic technology even though it created 
construction problems in our neighborhoods and caused disruption of service 
for [incumbent cable operator]Comcast and others.

"This lawsuit is not really about Montgomery County. It is Verizon's 
attempt to influence federal legislation. It is about eradicating the role 
of local government, the government closest to the people, and our efforts 
to protect consumers and our local rights-of-way."

In the suit, Verizon alleges that the county's demands violate antitrust 
laws and FCC regulations and effectively protect Comcast. Verizon wants the 
court to enjoin current county franchising laws and direct the county to 
negotiate a franchise on lawful terms within 60 days.

Verizon first asked for the franchise for its FiOS multichannel video 
service in May 2005.

Verizon points out that it has been able to strike deals with neighboring 
Howard County and, soon, with Ann Arundel County, Md., as well as the 
Cities of Bowie and Laurel. Praisner countered in the statement that the 
county has been able to strike deals, too. "Our committee has reviewed and 
promptly processed franchise agreements with Comcast and RCN; it's not 
rocket science."

The suit, filed Thursday in the U.S. District Court in Greenbelt, Md., is 
against a Washington suburban county that is home to numerous legislators 
and comes at a time when Verizon and other telcos are arguing for passage 
of a national video franchise bill in part by saying that unreasonable 
franchise demands are holding up the roll-out of broadband.

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
antunes at uh dot edu

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