<quote name="Federico Leva (Nemo)" date="2018-09-07" time="09:03:14 +0300">
> Due to a regression, for a few months now Wikimedia Foundation has stopped
> updating translations on its wikis every day.

The 'regression' was a concious choice made by Wikimedia Release
Engineering, SRE, and others to limit the automatic run of l10nupdate to
only happen during the work week (iow: it simply does not run over the

> Now that the harmful consequences have become clear

Can you or someone clearly document what those harmful consequences are?
Neither this email nor the task list any discrete harmful consequences.
Instead, the only links/context are to the harmful consequences of
having l10nupdate run automatically (eg: it temporarily blocking a fix
during an emergency production outage).



| Greg Grossmeier            GPG: B2FA 27B1 F7EB D327 6B8E |
| Release Team Manager            A18D 1138 8E47 FAC8 1C7D |

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