Hey all,

I am proud to announce the immediate release of Semantic Result Formats 1.7,
the next major version after 1.6.2, which brings several new features,
internal improvements and bugfixes.

== Compatibility changes ==

* Compatibility with SMW 1.7 and later.
* Dropped support for MediaWiki 1.15.x and SMW < 1.7.
* Full compatibility with MediaWiki 1.18 and foreward-compatibility with

== What's new ==

* Added value distribution support to jqplotpie and jqplotbar.
* Added min parameter to jqplotbar to set the minimun value for the Y-axis.
* Added pointlabel parameter to jqplotbar and chartlegend, legendlocation,
  datalabels and datalabeltype parameters to jqplotpie based on a patches
by James Hong Kong.
* Made array and hash formats compatible with 'Array' extension 2.0 and
'HashTables' 1.0.
* Added summary parameter to the icalendar format.
* Added warning message to jqplotpie and jqplotbar shown when there are no
results instead of a non-working chart.

== Download ==

You can get this release from

* Google Code:
* SVN:

More info on the Semantic Result Formats extension can be found here:


Jeroen De Dauw
Don't panic. Don't be evil.
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