On 10/11/13 03:57, Nathan Larson wrote:
> Also, we have other antispam tools that are way more effective than
> nofollow at deterring spam. 

Like what? AbuseFilter is unusable for small wikis, SpamBlacklist is
poorly maintained, and FancyCaptcha is comprehensively broken -- we
have had reports of sites with FancyCaptcha being spammed to death.
Pretty much any captcha can be broken for $1.39 per 1000. You wouldn't
need very many impressions per edit for that to be economical.

> Also, well-designed search engines should have other measures
> too for sorting out what's spammy. 

Sure, they do have such measures, but after years of incremental
development, the measures were clearly not working, which is why
Google introduced nofollow.

-- Tim Starling

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