Unfortunately what you’re trying to do isn’t possible.
If you want to export your entire wiki and import it to a new location (and the 
wiki is fairly small), you can go to Special:Export on the original wiki, and 
enter Special:AllPages as the “page to export”. Make sure you check the box 
that says “include templates”. This will supply all pages of the wiki into an 
XML file, which you can then import via Special:Import on the new wiki.
Note however that if your wiki is very large, you cannot export/import on-wiki 
and will need to use a server-side maintenance script (I don’t remember the 
name of the top of my head).
It is not possible to completely redirect one wiki site to an entirely 
different wiki site - redirects can only be used for redirecting one page to 
another page. However, if you own the URL domain to the current wiki, once 
you’ve exported/imported to the new site, you can redirect the URL to the new 
wiki, so that when visitors click the old URL they will automatically go to the 
new URL. I don’t know how to do this since I’ve never run a website on a 
personal server, but I know that it is possible.
— Amanda

On Tuesday, January 2, 2018, 9:46 AM, Christian Schröder 
<news+mediawik...@l7010.de> wrote:

On 01.01.18 21:18, Amanda Quad wrote:
> Hello,
> The #REDIRECT function is only for redirecting pages within your wiki to 
> other pages within your wiki. It cannot be used to redirect pages within your 
> wiki to another external non-MediaWiki site. However, if you are using 
> https://mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Interwiki you can set up interwiki 
> prefixes to Point to other MediaWiki sites, for example, Wikipedia.
> Examples:
> * If you want your wiki page “Test” to automatically redirect users who open 
> it to the page “Example”, you can replace all content on the page “Test” with 
> #REDRIECT [[Example]]
> * If you have configured a prefix for Wikipedia in Special:Interwiki (usually 
> something like “en:” or “wikipedia:”), you can do an interwiki soft redirect 
> between your wiki and Wikipedia. However please note that soft redirects do 
> not redirect users automatically - they require the users to click on the 
> redirect link. So, if you wanted to redirect the page “Test” on your wiki to 
> the Wikipedia Main Page, and you were using en: as the interwiki prefix, you 
> would replace all content on the page “Test” on your wiki with #REDIRECT 
> [[:en:Main Page]].

Hello Amanda,
thanks for the reply. This is exactly what we do, sorry for cutting
short my description. And we were happy that #REDIRECT just works with
interwiki links.

But our problem is the status code of the redirect.

Some more background behind the problem:

We try to split our current wiki into 2 separate ones, because our users
have multiple use cases for it and it gets confusing for everyone having
articles usable in one use case and others in other use cases.
And new users are even more confused what they are supposed to find or do.

So what we try to do is "extract" all pages from one use case into a new
wiki. That is why the permanent redirect with 301 is from our
perspective the correct thing, because the topic/page will not ever need
to come back.

thanks for your help

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