I really enjoyed the recent Dublin conference.    I'm knocked out by
the enthusiasm and creativity of the 1000 (!) attendees.   I learned a
lot and look forward to the May event here in my backyard.

I have a few suggestions about what changes might be made for the San
Francisco meeting.    I'm sure that there will be an official place to
submit program suggestions, but thought I'd offer them here before I
forget them and in order to foment discussion.

1. The various subprojects in MeeGo are not always communicating well
with one another.    This isn't because developers on one project
don't care what the other ones are doing and purposefully intend to
duplicate effort or create incompatibility; it's because people are
busy and don't know contributors to other efforts.   The next
Conference can help combat stovepiping by creating panel discussions
with participants from the various subprojects.   The panel
discussions should be plenary events with no parallel track.    An
example might be to have representatives from Sensor Framework,
Context Framework, Handset Experience and IVI on a panel to discuss
"Interpreting User Behavior."    I'm sure all of you will come up with
better suggestions for panels.

2. Forty minutes was too long for many of the presentations.    I
attended several talks where speakers began by saying that they did
not have 40 minutes of material.   Sometimes valuable discussion
occurred after short presentations, but sometimes they were just
short.    The next conference should include talks of different

3. I have watched several of the videos from the presentations I
missed.   Unfortunately, the cameras are static and do not zoom in on
slides when the speakers are talking about code snippets.   In some
cases, I was able to follow along by downloading the speakers' slides,
but not all speakers have provided slides.   Also, let's be sure to
remind speakers to have questioners use a microphone when sessions are

4. I didn't sense that there was any effort to create tracks in the
parallel sessions.   Should we have the IVI BoF immediately following
an official IVI team presentation?

Alison Chaiken
(650) 279-5600  (cell)
Don't take the silence of the yams as a sign that they have nothing
valuable to say about health.   -- Michael Pollan
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