I finally found http://wiki.meego.com/SDK/Docs/1.1/Web_SDK_with_WRT
that talks about the role of WRT on MeeGo.

and http://twimgo.substanceofcode.com/ say Qt WRT is also available on
n900 maemo repos. Hoping to test it out, I thought
http://twimgo.substanceofcode.com/ would be a good demo:
TwimGo is a clean and simple Twitter client for your Maemo based Nokia
N900. It runs on Qt Web Runtime so maybe we’ll see TwimGo running on
other devices in the future.

But on closer inspection of the latest release:
--> https://projects.forum.nokia.com/twimgo says:
"Twimgo was previously based on Web Runtime technology but was
converted to Qt Quick. All application logic is implemented in QML and
JavaScript?, no C++ is used."

So in my brief look-over of all this WRT stuff, I see something that
is a functional duplicate of what Qt Quick and a fully-filled-out set
of QML QtMobility plugins would provide.  Is that correct?

Another article mentioning WRT in a Meego context provides an
interesting perspective:
"I think that web run-time technologies (HTML5, JavaScript and CSS3 –
called WRT in this article) can provide a flexible way to build user
interfaces. Many developers are familiar with these technologies, and
maximizing WRT percentage in the codebase has potential to better
portability for devices from different manufacturers. Personally to me
MeeGo is the most interesting mobile operating system target. I am
trying not to completely forget about business models, but then again,
I have a software libre bias.

I have experimented of "hybridizing" Qt with Django. PySide provides
Qt bindings for Python in LGPL licensing. Django is a CMS-oriented web
framework written also in Python. Using Python instead of C++ has a
drawback in runtime efficiency, but in some cases developer
productivity and codebase maintainability is more important. Python
has become one of my favourite languages.

This approach interests me because an application from the same
codebase can be deployed both on desktop and on (a Nokia) mobile
device. Alternatively a desktop/server Django application could serve
plain WRT components also for non-Qt clients (but I can't comment how
Apple would respond to this sort of application for the App Store).
Android Market - well - they probably would not have a problem with
it. That's all I have to say about marketing and business politics."

-- Niels

PS: I'm now beginning to see WRT as a "standard" way to use HTML5
storage ( 
). WRT perhaps answers some of my architectural questions regarding
delivering javascript-based "widgetry" in a Qt based app, such as
(an example of one of the widgets I want to use out of Qt, the MIT
Simile Timeline: e.g.,
http://nielsmayer.com/xwiki/bin/view/Timeline/NprTimeline and click
"Music" button ...).
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