Hi Community List and Managers,

 In view of this morning's announcement I would like to know (and I am
sure others would be happy to get some answers):

1) Are we going to have the MeeGo Conference planned for spring?
2) Can we continue business as usual in terms of investing learning
resources into MeeGo + (Qt / C++ / QML) ? Can other vendors that might
read this list share their plans for future devices with MeeGo so we
can get more context? Effectively, is Qt staying the de-facto tool for
app developers on the MeeGo platform across all verticals?
3) Is Intel assuming the main supporter role for MeeGo now that Nokia
has officially announced it goes back to become a research project
with substantially lower funding and no clear plans to become a
consumer device?
4) Will MeeGo be reconsidered once it reaches ready state for consumer
handsets while in this research project incubation stage?

Your authoritative  response would be highly appreciated, although I
realize this might not be before Monday. Alas, a quick response will
highly benefit this community at large and immediately.

Please don't respond with speculations and alike, this is a sincere
request for more information.


-Sivan (Forum Nokia Champion)
MeeGo-community mailing list

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