On Onsdag 16. februar 2011, ext Dave Neary wrote:
> Whether you continue investing time in QML/Qt/C++ is up to you. What was
> your plan before the Nokia announcement? Did it depend on Nokia creating
> a big market for Qt? If so, you might want to revise. 

It's a big and growing market for Qt/QML apps. One of those markeds are +225 
million Symbian devices going forward. What has this to do with MeeGo, you 
might ask? 

Developers who develops on Linux only, might overlook the real market 
opportunities presented with Qt. This because the current dominant design is 
single OS for programming toolchains and frameworks. Then it's easy to make 
a wrong assumption that "one swallow doesn't make a summer". Please 
acknowledge that Qt is cross platform. MeeGo is one of several touch device 
OS's. This makes choosing Qt for your project like a summer breeze, as this 
blog from CuteHacks shows: 


Back to MeeGo. Nokia plan to sell their first MeeGo device this year. Also, 
listen carefully to what Nokia CTO Rich Green says on Qt regarding the next 
disruption (focus on the videos about Qt, MeeGo and Symbian): 


> If you're here because you thought MeeGo was a cool project to work 
> on, it probably still is.

Please stay. Learn to profit from your Qt skills like CuteHacks does. 

> For Qs 2, 3 and 4 I have no strategic insight into what Intel or Nokia
> might do in the future. 

Some strategic insight is given from Stephen Elop on the Q&A at Mobile World 
Congress. Please start viewing 7:15 minutes into the cast: 

> My best guesses are that no-one involved in
> MeeGo can afford another reset or retreating to where we were a year
> ago, I expect Qt to be pushed hard on MeeGo for as long as the project
> is viable at this point

During a Monday Intel event here at MWC, Renée J. James, senior vice 
president and general manager of Intel's Software and Services Group, said 
that Intel doesn't have any plans to change anything related to Qt.  This 
reported by PCMag: 

Best regards

Knut Yrvin
Open Source Community Manager
Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks
cell: + 47 934 79 561, phone: +47 21 60 27 58
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