On Wed, 2011-02-16 at 08:20 -0800, ext Foster, Dawn M wrote:
> If we had anything more detailed, we would share it. 
> The reality is that it takes time to work out the details. I would expect to
> see more details rolling out in pieces over the next few weeks as
> Nokia makes some decisions about technology and staffing.


Nokia and Intel are meeting in MWC and I expect Imad/Valtteri to explain
more details as soon as (like Dawn says) there is something clear to

What is certain is that Nokia is not anymore in a position of parity,
and Intel is the main driver of the project. This doesn't mean that the
activities pushed by Nokia will be dismantled or taken by Intel
overnight. Nobody has told us to stop working on MeeGo, and actually our
top management is keeping very explicitly the main MeeGo goal set for
this year: shipping a MeeGo based product (with all the activities that
this implies).

Also, the situation has different perspectives. For instance, Qt plays
an important role in verticals like IVI or TV almost independently from
the Handset activities. And Intel just unveiled a Tablet UX based on Qt
where Nokia had no involvement. Sorting out this takes time. The Nokia
executives could have shut down all MeeGo activities last Friday, yet
they kept some doors open as part of the new strategy. Let's see what
useful contributions can come through these doors. Taking blunt
(short)cuts now doesn't really benefit anybody.

fwiw, I have opened

The informal but serious Nokia @ MeeGo thread

to share the updates from the Nokia side that might be relevant for the
MeeGo community. Hopefully this will help "cleaning" the MeeGo project
channels from Nokia specific discussions. Feel free pointing anybody
off-topic there.


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