On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 4:59 PM, karoliina.t.salmi...@gmail.com
<karoliina.t.salmi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would like to recommend for the UI architecture using QML for the UI
> and C++ for the "engine". It is very productive way to make apps that
> really shine.

I agree. I just wish we could use the C++ there. Having to know C++
makes for a rather high entry level hurdle when most of the dominating
languages today are very high level, personally for me, coming from a
strong Python background. Re-learning C++ feels like going back 20
years in time.

> Of course there are multiple ways doing it, but Qt quick is a pretty
> awesome way to do rapidly things and it enables rethinking how UI
> behaves and is not
> bound to some traditional thinking (buttons, sliders, scroll bars,
> comboboxes etc., these are so 1980s).

Still, C++ which you have to have a good level for it (and recent Qt
jobs opening show that) for doing Qt couldn't fee more 1980's if it
wanted to ;-)

> UI design should receive lots of attention since many community
> projects have quite engineer's user interface,
> and book reader certainly should have very fluent end user interface.
> Book reader would be interesting.

Agreed, this is why I am going to follow the development model I
employed for Home User Backup[0][1] as so nicely organized by the
SpecSpec template from Ubuntu Wiki. The nice thing working under the
Ubuntu umbrella was having KDE UI experts invited to Ubuntu Developer
Summits to help us spec the UI.

> I believe that the iPad reader is using some kind of caching because
> showing e.g. my pdf documents is unbelievably fast.
> It somehow pre-caches the documents that are brought to its attention
> before the user starts to read them (I am guessing, but
> this could be the only explanation how reading a pdf on a mobile
> processor can be so much faster than it is on even desktop computer).
> I got this caching broken once, another document was showing inside
> one another (apparently a bug, I don't know how to reproduce it, it
> just happened).

This actually happened to me with an image and tracker under Maemo5. I
am not sure I will hunt for caching so early. I don't think that PDF
load time should be such a problem with the Ideapad's strong

> The gestures on changing page require lots of attention, they need to
> be absolutely perfect, otherwise it will be very annoying experience.
> On iPad this gesture feels very natural, and physicality is a very
> important aspect on making it feel just right. Flipping page by
> swiping with hand is not a gimmick, it is
> a fundamental usability feature when it is done right and there is
> only one way to make it right and there are million ways to make it
> wrong and making it wrong is very easy.

If we had the amazing proximity sensors like on the Nseries devices on
the ideapad, I would have wanted to use an 'augmented' reality
approach where you can use a finger air gesture to change pages. (Some
company in Israel actually created a patent for things like that for
games on Mobile handsets)

> One of the basic things in the app would be that it should support
> multiple formats, including pdfs (in addition to some ebook formats).

Granted. Karoliina, would you be interested in contributing on a wiki
page for planning this?

M'ion thanks for you feedback,


[0]: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup/UI
[1]: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup/
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