On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 4:40 AM, Gabriel M. Beddingfield
<gabrb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Rodrigo,
> Thanks for bringing this up in IRC (#meego).
> On Monday, May 02, 2011 03:56:15 pm Rodrigo Padula wrote:
>> Unfortunately Fedora will not support the Meego netbook
>> remix(fedora based meego distribution) as Fedora
>> upstream project anymore.
> These days, this is like saying "Fedora will not support the
> Debian remix as Fedora upstream project anymore."

No its not. Its like Fedora saying they won't support the Unity UX in
Fedora. One is a distribution, one is a UX.

> MeeGo *is* an upstream distribution.

It is also a number of separate UXes that can and should be
Distribution independent. Don't confuse the two components, they are
different even though they have the same name.

> It appears that (before) you guys were doing this with
> Moblin's desktop front-end (mutter)... which became the
> Netbook UX.

Err. NO!

> First, porting the Netbook UX to Fedora is not "MeeGo on
> Fedora."  Netbook is the only MeeGo front end to use
> mutter/clutter, and it's future is considered dim within
> MeeGo.  It has not been getting much attention, and some key
> developers have referred to it as having "no future."

Yes, agreed.

> So, if Fedora drops mutter-meego I think many would say that
> this is a good thing.  For one, it confuses people about
> what MeeGo *is*.  And two, it appears to be waning withing
> MeeGo.

MeeGo confuses itself about what it is. Its been discussed on the lists before.

>> Since Fedora will adopt GNOME3 by default and the GNOME
>> Shell uses Mutter, there are a conflict between GNOME
> I think this is good news.  Mutter is excellent (as is the
> Netbook UX), and would hate to see it go to waste.

Huh, those two statements conflict each other.

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