On Mar 16, 2010, at 3:00 PM, Anas Nashif wrote:
> On 2010-03-15, at 6:52 AM, Jeremiah Foster wrote:
>> On Mar 15, 2010, at 9:59 AM, Quim Gil wrote:
>>> ext Andreas Osowski wrote:
>>>> 1. Scope and area of this working group
>>>> 2. ... ?
>> I think we should address:
>>      - How do packages get from the build system (whatever that is) to the 
>> repos
>>              * Do developers upload to the repos? 

> No, That is done by release engineers, developers submit their changes and if 
> they go in they will be part of the repos.

Who are the "release engineers"? Are these people chosen by Intel / Nokia? Or 
are they from the community? How will MeeGo handle the inevitable spread of 
developer's repositories?
>>              * Does built software get pulled into the repos automatically?
> Yes.

So a developer would upload source into a build system, most likely an OBS 
instance somewhere, and that source code would get built, then pulled in as an 
RPM into the repo?

>>      - Will repo layouts reflect products
>>              * Do we need an IVI repo? A video repo? A desktop repo?
> Yes, that is important to avoid cross dependencies and for maintenance 
> reasons. There will be one core repo and many ux extra repos on top of that.

I guess that makes sense. But it sounds complicated. Are there going to be 
identical versions of the kernel in each repo? Or does one pull the base system 
from one repo and then pull from an IVI repo (for example) on top of the base 

>>      - Opportunities for QA
>>              * Are there analogs to debian's puiparts or other QA?
> Yes, there is QA, not familiar with puiparts...

Essentially it is quality assurance for a deb package.

Is there are tools like this in the RPM world?

>>              * Do we set up tools to test the packages in the repos? In the 
>> build system?
> What kind of tests?

It would be nice to know if a given package actually would install, uninstall, 
and is properly formatted. Format would include things like maintainer email 
address, license declaration, etc. 
>>              * Are there tools in the rpm world that do what debian's 
>> lintian does?
> ATM, We have multiple lint, code and packages checks done after every build. 

Lintian is debian's policy checker. It checks that a given package adheres to 
the debian policy. That is to say; does the package ship UTF-8 files, man 
pages, is the control file correct, etc. This tool checks large parts of debian 
policy and fairly thoroughly takes apart a package. It does more than just a 
lint check, which is often just related to programming language specific files, 
i.e. check C files for errors.

Is there something like this in the RPM world? If not, will there be hooks 
available to do system and functional tests?


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