On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 3:02 PM, Robin Burchell <virot...@viroteck.net>wrote:

> Oh dear. Here goes.
> On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 10:27 PM, JD Zheng <entropy....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > It didn't gain much things when moving to rpm, at least to Maemo guys,
> But
> > it happened. Why same thing can't happen here? I don't want to start rpm
> vs
> > deb war again and probably you might notice I didn't say one word about
> it
> > before.
> As I *tried* to point out earlier, the situation is *TOTALLY AND
> UTTERLY DIFFERENT*. You cannot walk up to a project (let's say,
> Banshee) and say "sorry guys, but you're going to have to switch
> toolkit". The choice of packaging format affects MeeGo and only MeeGo.
> But as you rightfully say, let's not go there.
> > What I am questioning is how decision was made and if decision changes
> over
> > time silently.
> > Another way to fix this inconsistence is to fix Architecture diagram and
> any
> > other documents and stop saying Qt is primary GUI toolkit, which I would
> > rather not to see.
> > SORRY, after looking at architecture diagram again, I found I was totally
> > WRONG because Qt as primary GUI toolkit mentioned in previous version is
> > in it any more, though I still think this "removal" should be
> communicated
> > to community clearly and early.
> No, you just didn't look hard enough. See that big blob marked 'MeeGo API'?
> Now scroll to the bottom, and see 'Qt' mentioned under that 'MeeGo API'
> header.
> Now click to the page to read what the MeeGo API consists of - I'll
> save you the work of tracking the link that took me under a minute to
> find: http://meego.com/developers/meego-api
> If you're going to make alarmist claims, please, at least do your
> research. There was no change, there is no hidden agenda. Qt is still
> the primary, recommended platform. If you want to use something else,
> of course, you'll be free to do so, at your own risk.

Does Netbook UX follow this MeeGo (Qt 4.6.2) API? Will it? Or GTK 3.0(?) API
will be added?

I think I wasn't too lazy to research but few things can be researched.

What I got is "Qt is primary API, but we want to use these "good old"
application/components so that they can be exceptions for "good" reasons".

Can I change it? Does someone want to change it? Probably not. I am just one
lonely guy who wants a unified platform for MeeGo :-(

> >> > Sounds like the things left to any outsider is some applications to be
> >> > done
> >> > if no one is coding for that (well, I have no idea what is being
> >> > developing).
> >>
> >> I'm not sure what you're asking here, but I'll guess that you're
> >> asking what the point of Qt is if nobody uses it.
> >>
> >> Well: remember first that you're only seeing half the picture. The
> >> handset UX isn't out yet, and from signs from Nokia[1] suggest that Qt
> >> will have a much larger influence there. Then remember that the
> >> application SDK for MeeGo has been announced to be based on Qt,
> >> meaning that people writing applications for MeeGo are recommended to
> >> use it, so the influence will grow.
> >>
> > Please correct me as following is my assumption now:
> > Netbook UX will be GTK based and no plan to migrate to be Qt based.
> I never said such a thing. I think your (bad) assumption that 'Qt is
> recommended therefore it must be used for everything, at the cost of
> getting a release out the door now just to satisfy religious goals' is
> a very fundamentally bad one, though.
> My ("bad") understanding is Qt won't be primary API if core components are
written in GTK. Yes I like Qt, but I don't hate GTK. The issue is
inconsistent and NOT unified platform. I didn't say that everything had to
be Qt based because of this.

You guys must know much more than me about whether it is feasible to create
a good, consistent UX using 2 UI toolkits.

> > It implied the core app existing will be using different UI toolkit with
> the
> > new ones (community ones?)
> Not necessarily. See above.
> > Handheld UX will be Qt based. Although it can have 3rd party GTK app, I
> > suspect it will be limited. For example,if  I only want to write Qt app,
> I
> > can only possibly contribute to Handheld UX infrastructure when it is
> opened
> > up.
> Wrong. You can contribute wherever you like, however you like. Nobody
> is stopping you. MeeGo is an open platform, and at the end of the day,
> the recommendation for Qt is just that - a recommendation. Using Qt
> might mean less pain for you as the libraries underneath e.g.
> QtMobility might come and go (different multimedia backends and
> whatnot), but if you want to take the risk, I see nothing stopping you
> from using them directly.

Nobody is stopping me but such kind of misinformation and lack of
information is stopping me.

How to dig information is what I learned in these months with MeeGo.
Unfortunately I was really bad at that even though I think I am a good
reader. Wrong/inconsistent information frustrates people, doesn't it?

> > It is technically possible but does it make sense as our goal is to unify
> > it, at least it is my understanding? Does it mean MeeGo Netbook = Moblin
> NG
> > and MeeGo Handheld = Maemo 6 from UI perspective?
> I don't know the plans for the handset UX, as (obviously) it hasn't
> been released yet, but it's safe to assume that the two will be fairly
> divergent. A handheld device with (let's say) a 3" screen requires
> somewhat different UI and interaction than a 10" netbook you have a
> keyboard with.
> Screen size is a totally different story. I don't buy it if someone says
this toolkit fits in 10 inches screen while for 3 inches we need to use

> >> > What does MeeGo really expect from community? (unfortunately so many
> >> > emails
> >> > distinguished "We(MeeGo?)" and community and I follow that). I was
> >> > expecting
> >> > the answer after 1.0 release and now it is the right time to ask.
> >>
> >> Honestly not sure how to answer this. I don't think anyone is, yet. I
> >> suspect the picture is becoming growingly clear as more parts of the
> >> puzzle (like the meego-arm team) come to work and collaborate in the
> >> open.
> >>
> > The answer depend on how community is weighed for MeeGo development and
> how
> > open MeeGo is planned.
> > I don't want to start again to push the openness of MeeGo, really I am
> tired
> > of it so this is my last try:
> > The following is NOT what I expect as member of community:
> > -- Only be told about decision and only see defensing decision after
> > publishing or even changing decision
> As I already covered, you're incorrect there.

I don't know how much you involved in closed door MeeGo development. Most
likely it is incorrect to you but it is true to me as a totally individual

> > -- Only be able to add "addon" app into MeeGo
> No.
> > -- Only be able to send patch to *unknown* team and wait for
> accept/reject
> I'm not sure what you want here. To take an example (like Banshee,
> since Aaron keeps mentioning it in the mail below me I'm half reading
> while replying to this one) - you'd go upstream to banshee, submit a
> patch, and sooner or later, it would end up in MeeGo, since MeeGo
> packages banshee. Or end up a Banshee maintainer directly, thus
> emitting the necessity to deal with patches.
> If you're specifically talking about the UX category stuff, then, well
> yes, you'll need to get to know the relevant people working on that,
> and submit patches. Presumably through Gitorious merge requests. Once
> you've shown your merit from contributing to that software, you'll end
> up with access to push stuff yourself and you won't need to send
> patches. Like the above example.
> > -- Unable to involve in any core components development (I mean the
> > components created by *unknown* MeeGo teams.)
> Obviously - if you haven't talked to them, and they haven't talked to
> you, they're going to be unknown. This is likely at this stage seeing
> as things are coming out in the open. Do you have specific examples of
> such components? Then we can look into the situation.
> > Does fixing these mean MeeGo is an open platform? I am afraid NOT. Are
> these
> >  really hard to fix? It depends. Frankly I don't think so.
> What are you actually trying to fix? Also, again, give examples. Let's
> talk specifics, and then perhaps, we can look at action if needed.
> About all rest, I did ask project definition and was told to wait (see TSG
meeting minutes) and wait. As neither Intel/Nokia employee nor paid
contributor, do I have multiple channels to get contact information? Do I
have to submit patch to get contact someone? Even if I contact someone, how
can I know if I am not talking to wrong person so that I won't waste my (and
his/her) time?

> Robin Burchell
> mob: +447702671419
> msn: m...@viroteck.net
> irc: w00t @ irc.freenode.net
> twr: http://twitter.com/w00teh
> lac: http://identi.ca/w00t
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