On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 1:57 AM, JD Zheng <entropy....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I thought a default single UI toolkit for all MeeGo UXs is a good thing and
> I was happy Qt was picked.

There is no technical reason why this has to be the case. Mixed
toolkits are always possible, especially if the toolkits in question
are advanced enough to blend in with the others on that platform. I
know that Qt is definitely capable of this, if you're using the
appropriate style plugin. See below.

> I personally don't care Netbook too much because I am not interested. The 
> information I got in
> this email thread made me worry about whether we will get a unified
> platform.

I strongly encourage you to read up on Qt's abilities to blend into
other platforms, and then stop worrying:
- http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.6/gallery.html
- http://doc.trolltech.com/qt-maemo-4.6/examples-maemo5.html


Robin Burchell
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