Hi Karthick,

On Fri, 2010-07-02 at 12:20 +0200, ext Karthick wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to create handset UX preview image with kickstart file
> under ubuntu 9.04, I am getting following error.
> Error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/usr/bin/mic-image-creator", line 806, in <module>
>     ret = main()
>   File "/usr/bin/mic-image-creator", line 475, in main
>     release_no = imgcreate.misc.get_release_no(repometadata,
> distro_name.lower())
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/mic/imgcreate/misc.py", line
> 758, in get_release_no
>     release_pkg = get_package("%s-release" % distro, repometadata)
>   File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/mic/imgcreate/misc.py", line
> 741, in get_package
>     for row in con.execute("select version, release,location_href from
> packages where name = \"%s\" and arch != \"src\"" % pkg):
> sqlite3.OperationalError: near "release": syntax error
> can anyone help me solve this issue?
> The command which i gave is:
>     sudo mic-image-creator -c
> meego-handset-armv7l-n900-nokia-closed- -f raw -a
> arm

Can you try following webpage which has all the steps for building the
N900 image?


It uses following command to build the image, which seems different than
the one that you are using (especially the --arch part):

sudo mic-image-creator --run-mode=0 --cache=mycachedir --format=raw
--arch=armv7l --save-kernel


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