Hi there,

        I was browsing the Handset packages when I stumbled upon the ospm
package. This -appears- to my skim read to fill a rather similar space
to the upower package.

        What is the thinking here ? was upower evaluated and found wanting ? if
so - in what way ? upower is used in the Netbook case) ? or is this a
legacy choice that is being re-written ?

        Having two different dbus interfaces for (apparently) similar things
doesn't look that ideal; what is the plan with ospm ?

        Also - where does it live ? I see no repository on gitorious for it -
is it developed internally, or in public ?

        It was strange to see things like:

        //TBD to remove hardcode

        And the striking similarity (cut & paste & tweak a bit) between:

ospmframework/app/cpu_subsys.cpp (CCpuSubsys::GetFrequencies)
ospmframework/plugins/thermal/linux/CpuDevice.cpp (CCpuDevice::GetFrequencies)

        eg. I stumbled on prodding the code quickly.



 michael.me...@novell.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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