Greg KH a écrit :
On Fri, Aug 13, 2010 at 05:37:04PM +0200, Jean-Christian de Rivaz wrote:
Foster, Dawn M a écrit :
On Aug 12, 2010, at 3:42 AM, David Greaves wrote:
This is the way open source projects are supposed to work. The
people who start the project pick a manageable set of hardware to
get us started just like when Linus only supported 386 with AT
drives in the first version of the Linux kernel because that's
what he was using at the time[1]. [1]
Sorry, but this argument is completely wrong: At the time Linus
started Linux, porting to other hardware was a hug task that
involved years of work. Today, every large distribution routinely
build generic i686 build. Why not Meego ?

Speed.  Seriously, go measure it with it turned off, it is very
noticable.  And on these tiny netbooks, you need all the speed you can

There's a reason MeeGo is the fastest booting and running of _all_
distros out there at the moment, and this is one of them.

Easy to say, but what real facts can you show to support your claim ?

The booting process has been analyzed by many peoples the last couple of years. I have not read all of there conclusions, but from what I remember, reducing the I/O activity (in number and in latency) was a far biggest point than the SSSE3 set instruction.

If I compare the boot time of for example Debian squeeze i386 and Debian squeeze amd64 on the same machine (with a AMD or a Intel CPU), I did not see a noticeable difference.

The SSSE3 instructions will probably only play a noticeable difference in a codec or stream processing code. In those case, the good practice is to select at runtime between a generic code and a instruction specific code. If fact I highly doubt that any upstream project Meego uses will run only on SSSE3 machine.

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