On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 10:19 PM, Skarpness, Mark

>  Allowing applications to have arbitrary external dependencies that are
> resolved at install time adds a great deal of complexity and uncertainty for
> a device manufacturer (substitute "MeeGo software stack provider" for
> "device manufacturer" if you wish).
> I want to create a simple "contract" between the device manufacturer and
> the application developer:  the device manufacturer promises to provide a
> defined set of packages and the application promises to install and run
> correctly using only those packages.

Perfectly understandable. But (always that but) the question is if that is
the ONLY possible "contract". Again, it doesn't matter how this, extras or
surrounds, compliance is called, as long as the name itself is not grounds
for exclusion from the MeeGo ecosystem. Since it would obviously not be part
of the MeeGo device compliance itself, vendors can freely omit this option
if it's too much for them (and then deal with the flak of users facing the
reduced number of apps). One of the greatest advantages of Linux is the
extendability and huge repository of existing code and documentation. I
highly doubt developers/publishers will have qualms about leveraging that
and making huge bloated packages if they are denied proper
repository/dependency support (existing proprietary linux apps are a prime
example of this), which in turn means that such a rigid limit - despite the
best of intentions - might not really solve much, just transfer a problem
from one domain to another (from a repository QA/availablility issue to a
package QA/availability issue).

Best regards,
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