On mer., 2010-09-22 at 15:34 -0700, Ryan Ware wrote:
> All,
> Like Arjan did for the kernel mail list, I would like to announce the
> creation/existence of the MeeGo Security Discussion list and would like
> to invite any and all who are interested in various parts of MeeGo
> security (generic OS configuration, security framework, infrastructure
> security, etc.)
> The mailman interface for this list is at
> http://lists.meego.com/listinfo/meego-security-discussion
> If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to voice them here
> or email me directly.  As always, if you feel you have found a security
> issue with meego, please report it to secur...@meego.com.
Is there a reason why those list aren't (yet?) advertised in meego.com
account setup?


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