On Sep 24, 2010, at 2:38 PM, Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:

> On mer., 2010-09-22 at 15:34 -0700, Ryan Ware wrote:
>> All,
>> Like Arjan did for the kernel mail list, I would like to announce the
>> creation/existence of the MeeGo Security Discussion list and would like
>> to invite any and all who are interested in various parts of MeeGo
>> security (generic OS configuration, security framework, infrastructure
>> security, etc.)
>> The mailman interface for this list is at
>> http://lists.meego.com/listinfo/meego-security-discussion
>> If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to voice them here
>> or email me directly.  As always, if you feel you have found a security
>> issue with meego, please report it to secur...@meego.com.
> Is there a reason why those list aren't (yet?) advertised in meego.com
> account setup?

We need to reorganize the meego.com list page to accommodate
the new lists now that we have close to 20 lists with a few more on 
the way. The page needs a little work to make it easy for people to 
find and get subscribed to the right lists.

For now, people can subscribe using the mailman interface and 
we should have them added to the meego.com accounts page in 
the next 2 weeks after we redesign the page.


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