Excerpts from Alberto Mardegan's message of Thu Sep 30 14:39:33 +0300 2010:
> >> void
> >> QGeoPositionInfoSource::setLastKnownPosition(const QGeoCoordinate&);
> [...]
> >
> > Does it really make sense to have this in public API targetted at 
> > application
> > developers? I'm not so sure about that... Multiple places all setting it 
> > (some
> > of which probably without rigorous QA) could lead to problems all too
> > easily, even if that problem is just longer time to get a fix.
> This *is* an API for application developers! The user will use it when he 
> knows 
> his approximate location. Of course it doesn't make sense to have this if the 
> framework already provides some UIs which allow the user to pick his 
> estimated 
> position, but I don't think this will be the case.

Precisely my point. Third party applications should not be required to do this.
Hence my question.

As I understand it, your request was to provide the last known position to speed
up getting a fix, right?

Nothing stops a QGeoPositionInfoSource from caching the result internally,
(as opposed to a ::setLastKnownPosition()).

This is harder to get wrong for application developers: they don't need to worry
about it at all, let alone worry about providing incorrect values.

So I again wonder: why is new API necessary?

> Ciao,
>    Alberto

Robin Burchell
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