On Fri, 2010-10-01 at 08:41 +0300, Alberto Mardegan wrote:
> On 09/30/2010 06:00 PM, Andrew Flegg wrote:
> >> Nothing stops a QGeoPositionInfoSource from caching the result internally,
> >> (as opposed to a ::setLastKnownPosition()).
> >
> > Indeed, but this isn't the use case Alberto's described (BICBW).
> Exactly. My use case is when the last known position is wrong (another 
> country, 
> for instance). The typical case is when you travel abroad: you don't want to 
> use 
> network-based positioning (either unavailable, or too expensive), and you 
> know 
> your approximate location.
> I plan to introduce this feature in Mappero for maemo5 -- but still need to 
> check whether it helps at all :-)

I think GeoClue could help on this matter, since its implements a Manual
provider which end user could use to set the location and address
manually. There is still no full implementation of an assisting GPS
mechanism, but it could be a good starting point. 

Javier Fernández García-Boente

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