On Wednesday, 27 de October de 2010 09:51:44 sakari.pou...@nokia.com wrote:
> My take on this as a Nokia MeeGo architect is that we need hardfp. That is
> where the market is going: Harmattan and linaro are already in that train.
> IMO, we should start building softfp and hardfp for a 6 months grace
> period. Once 1.2 is out we should drop softfp.

I've received a new report from our Technology Management people this morning. 
The recommendation, in summary, is to use:

1) single-precision floating point (float, not double)
2) ARM's RunFast mode (i.e., not fully IEEE754 compliant)
3) hardfp argument passing
4) disable use of short vector mode

On the Cortex-A8, single precision FP with RunFast mode executes on the 
pipelined Neon core (even if you don't use Neon instructions), which results 
in single-cycle operations for multiply-accumulate. Anything else will execute 
in the VFPlite core, which is not pipelined and will impose delays due to lack 
of pipelining and branch misprediction.

Some applications need IEEE754 compliancy, so turning this back on should be 
possible. But the OS should start apps in RunFast mode by default.

I'm not sure I understand what the "short vector mode" is. If the compiler is 
generating such a code, it needs to stop. I've passed this recommendation to 
the Linaro toolchain team already.

I'm not sure how things change if the processor doesn't have Neon (like the 
Tegra II).

Thiago Macieira - thiago (AT) macieira.info - thiago (AT) kde.org
  Senior Product Manager - Nokia, Qt Development Frameworks
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