Fair enough Joel, no disagreement from me on that point.� I didn't
address specific lists (sorry for the oversight), but what I said would
apply to the Community list, NOT Dev.

Sorry for top-posting-- I can't see how to undo formatting in Joel's

Randall (Randy) Arnold
Forum Nokia Champion
blog: http://tabulacrypticum.wordpress.com
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  ----- Original message -----
  From: "Clark, Joel‎" <joel.cl...@intel.com>
  To: "Randall Arnold‎" <tex...@ovi.com>, "Kok, Auke-jan H‎"
  <auke-jan.h....@intel.com>, "Dave Neary‎" <dne...@maemo.org>,
  "Development for the MeeGo Project‎" <meego-dev@meego.com>
  Subject: RE: [MeeGo-dev] Academic Survey for MeeGo Community
  Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 13:12:38 -0700

  Randall Arnold wrote:
  �> Auke Kok wrote:
  > So, can people who want to do a survey please just "ask first" ?

  As in many debates between passionate and professional people both
  sides in this one have valid points.

  That said, while I respect Auke and his experience very much I also
  disagree with the tone of the first response as well as his request
  (sorry Auke).

  I only see one problem with the original email: that it could have
  been a bit clearer on benefits to the community, exactly how the
  collected data would be used, etc.� Personally if more detail had
  been included at the start I see no need for a preliminary "hey can
  we post this survey to the list?" query.� Informed people can choose
  to accept or ignore based on a single email.

  Does that work as a reasonable compromise, or do I need to revisit
  both Diplomacy 101 and Logic 101?
  Randall (Randy) Arnold


  I disagree.� The email on MeeGo-dev should be about meego
  development.� Where do you draw the line otherwise?� As soon as you
  open the door to “if you are nice and say it is good for us, you
  can post anything” there is no end to other email that can be

  Joel Clark


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