On Fri, Dec 3, 2010 at 7:36 PM, Manoj Cr <manoj...@tcs.com> wrote:
> Am working on Meego IVI on Intel Atom.
> We have been developing an application which has an audio playback using
> ALSA.I works well initaillay but the moment i connect my board to internet ,
> audio gets automatically disabled.Has anybody faced this issue ??Is it
> because some update happens to alsa drivers when i connect to internet and
> it gets corrupted.

Just a random thought:  What happens if you turn off frequency scaling
so that the processor is always running at the same clockrate.

I'm mentioning this because I've seen linux audio apps, especially
when  they're talking directly to ALSA, have problems with CPU
frequency scaling. A random google search, for example, turned up

-- Niels
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