On 03/03/2011 02:36 PM,
jukka.eklund-xnzwkgviw5gavxtiumw...@public.gmane.org wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am thrilled to announce a little thing we started at Nokia. Basically we 
> want to have MeeGo running in N900 device, so that it's really usable as your 
> daily development device. Basic Handset UX should work, phone calls, SMS, web 
> browsing. So we are concentrating on a few selected features and polish those 
> to be "perfect". It might mean that we leave out some things in MeeGo 1.2 
> trunk for this edition, but that is not the default intention.
> We are doing this fully on the open, and I hope this is an interesting 
> project where we all in the community work towards the same goal: have a 
> great MeeGo edition in the N900. This work is naturally based on the great 
> work done already by N900 adaptation team lead by Harri and Carsten.
> The wiki is up here: http://wiki.meego.com/ARM/N900/DeveloperEdition. It will 
> populated with more information as we go, thanks for the patience.

Can you add some information about the different images?

N900 Handset images: weekly build, Trunk-daily, Trunk-Testing

Weekly build and daily build sound obvious, but maybe they are not?
- How does the weekly build differ from the 7th daily build?
- What is trunk-testing? How does it differ from trunk-daily?
- Which image shall be used for testing?

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