On Tue, 8 Mar 2011 12:31:56 +0200, Vitaly Repin wrote:

On Tue, 08 Mar 2011, ext Adrien Bustany wrote:

Synchronization is a solved problem, mind you, our mail for exchange
plugin does a pretty good job at saving contacts in a slow way. Using
APIs the right way, it could sync 500 contacts in 80 seconds, as
mentioned above.

I am very sorry but I have to state the following items here:

1) Exchange implementation has taken into use ALL your and Contacts team
guidelines/directions to improve the contacts synchronization speed.
2) We are not aware of any "improper" API usage at this point of time.
3) I would be really happy to hear the new suggestions from you or
Contacts team to improve the situation. In form of bug reports, coming
to my desk in Ruoholahti, emails, phone calls. Anything!

\begin{"take it personally" mode}
- Exchange team was the first team which has shown the problem with
Contacts sync speed. Yes, our guy, not somebody else, have filed
that famous bug about the contacts speed.
- The first response was - don't even expect the contacts speed to be better
  than we have now (and it was really slow that days. REALLY.)
- We have spent a lot of energy / time to convince the teams in Nokia
MeeGo to fix
their stuff, changed the way we used their APIs etc. The end result - the contacts sync. speed has improved a lot. Not only for us but for
- And now we are getting the very "positive" feedback in public
mailing list from
our colleagues just because we are closed-sourced (thanks to the
managers!) and
the public could not check your words about crappy MfE.
Well done! Blame these closed-sources suckers, they can't strike back!
\end{"take it personally" mode}

I admit my way of putting it was blunt, and probably not exact. As you
rightfully pointed out, you were the first to raise the speed issue, heck,
I think our save benchmark still uses some code of yours!

What I meant to say was: currently, syncing 300 or so contacts from my MFE account takes more than 80 seconds. So something can be improved somewhere. I have been meaning to spend some time on looking into this, but haven't done it so far. Maybe it is just the server that is slow, maybe we do things wrong, maybe you can batch more contacts together... Who knows! And in any
case, we'll never be able to store 120k contacts in a reasonable time.

And about the "we're closed source": I hardly see how I could hold your team accountable for this, since this decision most likely belongs to Nokia legal.


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