Now after criticizing the comparison page something constructive
information for the EDS plan. 

First of all it should be noted, that the QtContacts API was designed
after careful review of the libebook API and considering experience
gained during Fremantle. Therefore QtContacts can be seen as some kind
of descendant of EDS, trying to avoid some of its faults.

Am Dienstag, den 29.03.2011, 16:35 +0200 schrieb Patrick Ohly:

> > change notifications via ebook view: created when opened, initial
> > data dump ignored (performance problem!), report all following
> > changes

This problem was successfully worked around for Fremantle by adding lazy
vCard parsing to its EDS version: EDS transfers changed contacts as
vCard string and then libebook spends a lot of time in parsing it, just
to deliver a EContact from which maybe only the UID is read. We changed
the signal to deliver both the UID and the vCard string for each contact
and patched EVCard (base class of EContact) to only store a copy of
both. The vCard string itself only would be parsed when vCard attributes
are read for the first time. After parsing the now obsolete vCard string
is discarded. This gave us a really nice performance boost. From
something likes 14 seconds to process all notifications, down to some
hundred milliseconds. This trick works because usually only very few
contacts are shown at a time and therefore only very few vCards must be
parsed initially.

Another trick would be, to introduce a new signal that only reports UIDs
and let clients later fetch the contacts they are interested in, like
QtContacts does.


> > extend EDS query language with a flag that suppresses existing data

Can you explain this idea a bit? To me it seems quite hard to do, since
EDS only stores vCard strings. It has now idea about their meaning.

> > optional parsing of data in client

Nice to see lazy vCard parsing considered already, but let me comment on
that section a bit.

> > 1. If delayed parsing fails, how can error be reported.

1. EDS only stores and reports valid vCard strings. This is guaranteed
by the contact saving API only accepting EContact instances, which then
are converted to valid vCard via e_vcard_to_string().

2. Upstream EDS also doesn't do any error reporting right now. It only
spits warnings to the console and e_vcard_get_attributes() will return a
quite terse list. Same API works with lazy parsing.

> >  more efficient access to meta data for change tracking + atomic
> >  updates

Sounds familiar: e_book_get_changes()

> > contacts: store PHOTO data as plain files
> >
> > For apps which want to create the photo file directly:
> >  * Apps get a file descriptor and the path from a new libebook API.
> >  * They own the file until the EDS server acknowledges the
> >    successful storing of a contact with a matching
> >    PHOTO;VALUE=uri:file property. If that fails, the app must remove
> >    the file.

Why such complicated API? EContactPhoto permits both detached and inline
photos. libebook only would have to take care, of generally detaching
inline photos. This writing should be done using async API to avoid UI

Another approach might be something like e_vcard_detach_photo(). This
TBD function would explicitly detaches inline photos, any maybe directly
return the generated filename.

> > Trust TYPE=JPEG/PNG/... or look into file content to determine type?

First rule of vCard survival: Never trust any vCard. Those you get are
malformed crap, lying about their charsets and image file formats.
Content inspection is needed to figure out the image type.

While scratching that topic: You also want to have a smart charset
detected for vCards not passing UTF-8 validation. They will be in any
random encoding ever invented. For Fremantle we have integrated
Mozilla's charset detector [1][2]. As I learned just yesterday it seems
MeegoTouch also features MCharsetDetector. Maybe that code is even more
useful - have not tested it yet.

Since libosso-abook already has most of the code it might be worth to
take this last chance and ask Nokia for source code of libosso-abook.
It's of little value for Nokia now, but would be a great contribution
for future development of Meego on its way back to EDS. We could reopen
the related bug[3] or maybe someone has ideas for even more
efficient channels.



Mathias Hasselmann <>

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