Hi Patrick,

Thanks for putting these wiki pages together.

> Let's be more specific about identifying work which needs to be done.
> I've put together some thoughts here:
> http://wiki.meego.com/Architecture/planning/evolution-data-server

I'd like to clarify something from the page:

Maemo solution: QtContacts (API) + QtContacts-Tracker (glue code) +
Tracker (storage)
EDS: QtContacts (API) + libebook (client side) + EDS (server side,
storage of vCards in Berkley DB)
Used by: ... libfolks

QtFolks is an implementation of a QContactManagerEngine that sources its
contacts from libfolks. Libfolks doesn't sit on top of QtContacts.

So, an application using QtContacts has this layout:

App <-> QtContacts <-> QtFolks <-> libfolks <-> {Folks backends}

{Folks backends}:

folks-telepathy <-> Telepathy
folks-tracker <-> Tracker
folks-libsocialweb <-> Libsocialweb


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