
the hardfp floating point ABI for ARM will be made default and mandatory for MeeGo 1.2 and later. This decision was made and approved back in December 2010 in the MeeGo TSG and the impact has been described in MeeGo wiki [1].

The hardfp scheduler is called armv8el and is up and running in MeeGo Trunk.

This change introduces an ABI break with MeeGo 1.1. The hardfp ABI is not compatible with the softfp ABI and because of this the packages produced by the armv8el scheduler have the architecture name .armv7hl. They cannot be installed in an armv7l system and vice versa.

If you or your company run into problems with this changeover, feel free to seek help from #meego-arm @ freenode IRC channel or from the meego-porting mailing list [2].

If you need to use closed source binaries from your hardware vendor, please contact them to get a hardfp build of those binaries.

The softfp armv7el scheduler in MeeGo Trunk will be stopped at the end of April 2011.

[1] http://wiki.meego.com/SDK/Toolchains/ToolchainChange

[2] http://lists.meego.com/listinfo/meego-porting

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