> I heard at the last TSG meeting that the 1.1 compliance spec
> is approved.  Any idea when we'll see a 1.2 compliance draft?
> Also, this page also seems out-of-date:

If the out of date is due to not showing a released 1.1 spec,
true.  There is/was a problem with uploading of pdf files (only),
which has prevented me from adding the final copy - note the
last review copy points to my directory on the LF site, as
that's a place it worked to put it.

There are some other out of dates on the page, true.

There's some work started on the 1.2 draft, could upload one
any time, but not sure at the moment there's enough update
to make things interesting. 

Comments/suggestions/bug filings/anything else relevant
are quite welcome - not stalling, just collecting material
to the point where new drafts are worthwhile!

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