> Hypothetically, what about a device that doesn't fit into any of these
> categories? What if it doesn't have a traditional
> "display"/"touchscreen"/"mouse"/"ivi-scrollwheel"/etc. or what if the
> human interface is remote, over a network, or implemented entirely over
> audio? What if the device looks like clothing, a wristwatch, a wall-wart
> or "black box" or audio component, a video camera, or a portable music
> player?

Deducting from section "2.5.1 MeeGo API" of the compliance spec a
device without a screen cannot be MeeGo Core compliant:

"Implementations must support MeeGo API. The MeeGo API consists of the
   * Qt 4.7 [Qt47]
   * Qt Mobility 1.0 [QtMob]
   * Open GL ES 2.0 [OGLES] (ARM) or OpenGL [OGL] (Atom)"

Even if you could include this API with a screen-less device and hence
technically could call it "MeeGo Core compliant" it would not make
much sense since the API is mostly useless. Further down in section
4.1 the hardware requirements for the netbook profile explicitly
specify a screen with a minimum resolution.

If the screen is implemented remotely and a required component of the
device then I suppose it could be called MeeGo compliant.

Nevertheless, the point is not to hairsplit the compliance spec. The
idea of the compliance spec is to provide a reliable basis for an
application ecosystem so that application developers can rely on a
certain set of functionality, APIs and ABIs. It forms an agreement and
if it is interpreted too loosely it defeats the purpose. Hence common
reason and judgement should be used.

> What is the compliance profile of http://www.cyberstep.com/kdj/ ?? (its
> based on IVI UX according to gabrbedd in #meego -- and i guess it
> qualifies as IVI if you're riding the bus or train with one :-) ).

I would not think that there is a requirement that a device has to fit
into just one category. Beyond being MeeGo Core compliant a device
could potentially also adhere to one or more device profile compliance
specifications. However, while device profile specs are in addition to
the core spec they cannot conflict the core spec but individual device
profile specs could potentially have conflicting requirements.

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