Hi, How does MeeGo feel about axis orientation in various UX-es ? There is a a reference at http://doc.qt.nokia.com/qt-mobility- snapshot/qaccelerometerreading.html but the axis names there are prone to interpretation, see for example the Tablet UX, which follow the original (but now sort-of deprecated) N900 style orientation (X for the wider axis). Note: This is not about portrait vs landscape UI - this is about linking the readings with physical device positions. Thoughts ?
See also: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTMOBILITY-1073 http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTMOBILITY-1044 Best regards, Attila Csipa _______________________________________________ MeeGo-dev mailing list MeeGo-dev@meego.com http://lists.meego.com/listinfo/meego-dev http://wiki.meego.com/Mailing_list_guidelines