On Wednesday 08 June 2011 15:09:03 you wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 13:00,  <pia.s.niem...@nokia.com> wrote:
> > Admittedly, sticking to ALWAYS-PORTRAIT default orientation kind-of
> > solves the problem too. Taking into account the wide variety of devices
> > that has been developed in the past and hopefully will be developed in
> > the future, sticking to any pre-decided orientation cannot IMO be done.
> > (And we already now conflict with the principle: Dali and Lankku,
> > portrait, N900 landscape)
> As an application developer I want *Qt* to define a standard and be
> able to program to that. Currently, that standard is poorly defined
> with Symbian & MeeGo having sensors oriented to a vertically standing

It's the MeeGo one sticking out, my tablet UX uses the same layout as Maemo5's 
mobility did originally. Symbian is also not an entirely clean case because 
there are devices that are portrait while having width > height (f.e. the E6). 
My biggest problem is that the definition is unclear (you have the image which 
do not define exactly what happens where on all verticals - even Pia's 
explanation, while better, is not perfect, what happens if there are multiple 
screens or if the device can be flipped open/transformed), and this seems to 
spawn device-specific defaults, which in turn create all these legacy cases 
(will MeeGo do the same putenv hack as the N900 to keep compatibility with 
existing applications in, say, AppUp ? Will the willingly choose the default 
that defies ALL Nokia devices ?). There is already too much per-device 

Best regards,
Attila Csipa
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