Hello Petri, and all QML experts

We meet a problem to click the GestureArea via TDriver API( all of tap, 
long_tap, and hold don't work for GestureArea).
Could you give us some suggestion for it?

A lot of DeclarativeComponent are defined with GestureArea in the latest MeeGo 
QML applications to replace MouseArea.
For instance, in the main.qml of meego-ux-settings. the component is defined as 
below. The whole codes are available from 

        Component {
                id: landingPageComponent
                Ux.AppPage {
                        id: landingPage
                        pageTitle: qsTr("Settings")

                        ListView {
                                id: listView
                                delegate: ThemeImage {
                                        id: container
                                        GestureArea {
                                                //id: mouseArea
                                                anchors.fill: parent

                                                Tap {
                                                        id: tapArea
                                                        onFinished: {
translator.catalog = model.translation

For clicking this kind of components, I ever try to use the TDriver API "tap", 
"long_tap", "gesture_to", and "hold". unluckily, none of them work.
In an old qml application in which MouseArea is used, the API "tap" work well.

Do you have any suggestion for this issue?

Looking forward to your reply.

Thanks & Best Regards
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