(((This topic goes beyond meego-dev - I'm answering you here but if you have further questions I encourage you to go to forum.meego.com - Handset or Application Developer Support. Thanks!)))

As explained at http://forum.meego.com/showpost.php?p=22953&postcount=77 & http://forum.meego.com/showpost.php?p=22981&postcount=87


This bug reporting tool focuses on *developer issues*: platform, SDK, documentation, etc (the open source components). However, we have added a component "Device" where the developers getting the devices can also file bugs they are finding as testers of the device.

After all the discussions (I still remember 'Bug 630' by heart) I think the best is to offer the bugzilla setup in relation to open source platform components and the Nokia support setup for the 'user experience' part.

OSS savvy people understand bug reporting, may have a grasp on whether a bug belongs more to downstream or upstream, might look at source code, think of building a patch, discussions on features can happen in the relative OSS channels... Motivated users willing to get their voice heard by Nokia can go to Nokia Support Discussions or Nokia Care directly. Their ideas or complaints can't be addressed openly in a bug tracker as we have seen. And actually an organization like Nokia Care does a good job at summarizing and reporting up the feedback received through different channels (I have seen the reports and I wouldn't have done them better after following 100s of posts and bugs in maemo.org).

On 6/22/2011 7:40 AM, ext Carsten Munk wrote:
Submit them to your vendor, ie, Nokia (you'd have to ask them for
where, because I don't know). Then they will submit it further to any
upstream projects they use.

The reasoning for this (even when ignoring the complete Harmattan
mess) is these steps:

1) A vendor might have modifications to the upstream packages/software
or own packages/software he uses. Then he should handle it
2) If no modifications/directly from upstream, submit to the upstream
project - it's a bug in that software then.
3) Upstream may handle the issue and fix may trickle down to the
consumer through the vendor's path of upgrades

If you can replicate an error in MeeGo.com images/components directly,
you're of course welcome to submit to those bugtrackers. Example could
be a Qt or Qt Mobility issue that happens on MeeGo.com images too.


2011/6/22 Andrey Ponomarenko<aponomare...@ispras.ru>:

Could anybody explain me where to post bug reports for MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan

To maemo.org Bugzilla [2] or to MeeGo Bugzilla [3]?


[1] MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan
[2] maemo.org Bugzilla
[3] MeeGo Bugzilla

Andrey Ponomarenko
Department for Operating Systems at ISPRAS
  web:    http://www.LinuxTesting.org
  mail:   aponomare...@ispras.ru

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