
I continued to try and get this to work...  I came across somethings - ==  (for trunk it's  The field wants to give you other options -- I ignored
that and kept with what I entered, for 1.2oss I put in

I still didn't see anything related to (is it actually being 
worked on?).

Looking at the official OBS, you can see a lot of projects -- their names
don't clearly identify what they are for (what's the difference between
1.2oss and 1.2.0oss, and they are different).  The paths for these projects
repo is, may vary depending on project.
This gives an insight on what files & versions a particular project is working

The single problem I am still working on is building my project against one 
of those repositories.  The repository screen (for the project) shows it 
but none of my packages show it at all.

Guess I'll keep looking...


----- Original Message -----
> [sorry, i am a new subscriber joining a current conversation that is
> the exact problem i see]
> --snip--
> >> You should be able to add various repos in the "advanced" tab on
> >> that >> same page, where it says: "Or pick one via advanced
> >> interface." There >> are a lot of distros to build against, I
> >> haven't seen the one you're >> after but I didn't go through the
> >> whole list. It isn't obvious, but >> that form is partial an
> >> auto-complete form. So start typing in the >> "project" field until
> >> you find the repo you want to build against. > > Thanks Jeremiah, >
> >> > I was putting in the name of my project in that field instead of
> >> > other projects. Once I did things like "meego" a whole lot more
> >> options > showed up... However, I didn't see anything related to
> >> and/or > 1.3. It looks like this field is only pulling
> >> from projects listed on pub > OBS - not the build one. Is there a
> >> way to cross connect the two? Good question. I don't know the
> >> answer. I know that one can upload an
> entire distro and load that into the OBS to build against, you'll
> likely need special permissions to do that on the official OBS though
> I'm not sure. At this point, I think we need to get some more info on;
> 1. The nature and purpose of the various 1.2 point releases
> 2. How to configure these to build against in the MeeGo OBS
> --snip--
> +1 on confusion on how to (read-only) link to core repo pkg from pub
> obs
> from the side, all the repos
> appear empty?
> (to me, a new user with only community obs account).
> if i try build service -> projects -> (select MeeGo:Trunk) while
> logged in,i see:
> MeeGo Trunk
> Import of MeeGo trunk
> Information:
> This project does not have any packages yet.
> maybe this is a temporary breakage?
> the tutorial
> (for a user) shows that obs should support linking to
> a package.
> all the other build repos i checked look the same from the pub side.
> --snip--
> > The one thing that I am still confused on... When I add a repository
> > I assume > I am building against a list of packages included in said
> > repo. But I don't > see a way to see what packages are actually
> > included in the repo I may have > just added. That is a very good
> > question. To peer into the repo I think you'll
> have to go to the separate repo URL. I am not sure if there is a way
> to introspect the entire package list of one of those repos from the
> OBS though that sounds like a very good feature.
> --snip--
> yes, you can try
> or similar. it looks the way it probably is supposed to look if
> viewing it inside pub repo worked:
> MeeGo Trunk
> The Main development tree and core components
> There are 64 problematic packages of 1408 total
> (and you can browse all 64 / 1408 pkgs)
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