On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 2:19 PM, Jeremiah Foster
<jeremiah.fos...@pelagicore.com> wrote:
>> I think what Carsten means by "growing an organisation organically" is
>> that OBS allows multiple users to create their own repositories, it
>> allows us to separate different projects into different repositories for
>> staging or logical separation and it's easy and intuitive to do all of
>> this from the web interface and to tools provided.
> This is likely what he's referring to. But as someone who is concerned with
> integration, this is bordering on a misfeature. What is happening is that
> each repository is a separate Linux distro. This makes integration a
> complete nightmare and unlikely to occur. Look a the ABI break that occurred
> in MeeGo for ARM. That effectively killed any release of that distro.
> Just because you can build your own Linux distro doesn't mean you should.

Also, does not Launchpad support PPA at this point, as well as on the
fly test builds out of version control? I know Linaro people are using
it and are quite happy about it or perhaps I'm misinformed ? It might
be ahead of time to be concerned by this, but the concern Quim Gill
expressed about the ability of the community to fund the
infrastructure might be realized if Mer is to be adopted on a large

My personal experience with Launchpad is that the sysadmin personnel
is *VERY* responsive and cater for rapid and fruitful distro work.
Again, those concerns are only for when Mer is in massive adoption
which is where we want to reach anyway? How do we pitch prospective
sponsors when they ask us about Harmattan and speak about Debian in
the mobile field, I think it has some success compared to others.
Linaro seems to be doing well and they so far manage to gather vendors

Again, no trolling, just asking questions :)

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