Sorry for the late minutes from last weeks meeting, QML class consumed
my week and "Real Life" consumed my weekend... But we are still on for
this week, so...

Agenda for the Dialer Project meeting - Tuesday, April 19th, 2011

* General information/business (Shane)
  - Action Items review from last meeting:
   1. discuss on meego-handset ML nominations for additional chairs to
      the Dialer Project meetings (FAIL, Shane was in class and forgot)
   2. sabotage to ping Intel again for details on wireframe availability
   3. alterego to add thoughts to Dialer QML port wiki page
   4. aruravi to start a wiki page to detail plans and status of Dialer
      Headless branch

* Bug, patch and merge-request status (Shane)
  - We'll review what folks want to review.  Send me hot ones you want
    to discuss, or have them ready when we get to this topic

* New features discussion
  - Headless branch work/status/next steps
  - QML UI status (alterego, Shane)

* Any Other Business
  - Shane (sabotage) will be out next week volunteering with Habitat
    For Humanity, so not even a chance of network connectivity.  We
    need a meeting host, or agree to cancel the 4/26 meeting.
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