Hi Shane,
With the latest dialer 0.2.1 from OBS, i could never get an incoming
call indication. There are 2 issues

1) In the new dialer.desktop file, i had to comment
X-Osso-Service=com.meego.dialer, in order to make it start from home
Hmm, I though we had solved this and/or were unable to reproduce it
here (on iCDK).
Mike can you add your recollections on that.
If nothing else, we can have separate .desktop files, one
for /etc/xdg/autostart and another for /usr/share/applications.
alterego also mentioned similar issues with launching.

With commented X-Osso-Service=com.meego.dialer also, the UI is not shown for the first time if the dialer is not already running.
This is correct as per the code, but is not good w.r.t user experience.

We need to create an auto start, which seems to be a good way till we get the dialer started as part of applifed.

2) No incoming call is shown to user, probably because in

   if (isOnDisplay()) {
is never true, and so only the notification of call is shown, not
the alert dialog. i have attached a log, and there is no
releasePrestart called either.
This is expected.  It relies on MNotificationManager to "to the
right thing" by presenting a notification to the user.  Clicking
(tapping) on this will invoke the accept() dbus method on the
com.meego.dialer service.  There is currently no way to "decline"
or ignore the call, as MNotificationView class does not support
multiple buttons.
I could never get the call accepted even by clicking on the
notification. But i will verify this once again. I also did not hear
any ring tone.
Are you sure?  There are two things to remember:

1) Raising of the application still does not appear to work.  You can
see from MainWindow::accept()[1] that I call showMaximized() on the
MApplicationWindow, yet it seems mcompositor/meegotouch-home are not
handling these requests as expected.  You may need to explicitly switch
to the application in meegotouch-home

2) Not hearing a ringtone is a separated issue known to still exist on
N900 images AFAIK, and it affects all audio last I heard.  Be sure this
is not the real problem before we narrow in on dialer being to blame
there first.

Yes, the ring tone thing seems to be a known issue.

This is a different/special behaviour, when compared to any available
dialer(android, maemo or even symbian), where the user is given a
much cleaner option.
No disagreement there, no one (least of all, me) ever said the design
was complete or fully implemented ;)

How does this work on the ring tone? The issue
here is that user will have to keep looking at the screen to know the
incoming call, which is exactly the issue we were trying to fix. If
he is ready to do that he could even start dialer manually to receive
As I mentioned above, make sure this isn't a PA or policy issue first.
In my testing on the iCDK as of Wednesday afternoon PST, this all
worked, including ringtone playback, CS voice audio and accept() on the
MNotification handler.

I don't plan to change this behavior in MTF version, but should be
addressed in the QML port going forward.
A clear dialog with many options (deflect, decline,silence, send
message etc) would be the ideal UI to have, at least we should have
place holders for it.
Agreed!  I just intend to make this happen in the new QML goodness to
come, not in the MTF version, make sense?  If you/we *need* it in the
MTF version, I will be happy to review/accept patches.

I will make some patches.


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