Hi Shane,
With the latest dialer 0.2.1 from OBS, i could never get an incoming
call indication. There are 2 issues

1) In the new dialer.desktop file, i had to comment
X-Osso-Service=com.meego.dialer, in order to make it start from home
Hmm, I though we had solved this and/or were unable to reproduce it
here (on iCDK).
Mike can you add your recollections on that.
If nothing else, we can have separate .desktop files, one
for /etc/xdg/autostart and another for /usr/share/applications.
alterego also mentioned similar issues with launching.

With commented X-Osso-Service=com.meego.dialer also, the UI is not shown for the first time if the dialer is not already running.
This is correct as per the code, but is not good w.r.t user experience.

We need to create an auto start, which seems to be a good way till we get the dialer started as part of applifed.

Just found that the auto start is already there, i needed to reboot!
But yes, without commenting X-Osso-Service=com.meego.dialer in /usr/share/applications/dialer.desktop, the dialer cannot be brought to fore ground.


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