
I still have problem with this. I want to wait a certain time for the pulse to arrive somewhere, and then wait for the decay of the field. I try this (important part is the
definition of mystop):
(set! resolution 10)
(define-param sx 10)
(define-param sy 2)
(set! geometry-lattice (make lattice (size sx sy no-size)))

(set! pml-layers (list (make pml (direction X) (thickness 1.0))))

(define sourcepoint (vector3 (+ (/ sx -2) 1.0))) ; where sit the source
(define endpoint (vector3 (- (/ sx 2) 1.0)))     ; where we want the pulse
; to arrive (define-param fcen 0.15)
(define-param df 1.0)
(define-param nfreq 200)
(set! sources (list (make source
                    (src (make gaussian-src (frequency fcen) (fwidth df)))
                    (component Ey)
                     (center sourcepoint)
                     (size 0 sy))))

; compute the time of arrival
(define tt (+ (- (vector3-x endpoint) (vector3-x sourcepoint)) ; time to travel
            (/ 5 df)))                                       ; peak time

(define (mystop)
(let ((decayed (stop-when-fields-decayed 20 Ey endpoint 1e-3)))
 (if (> (meep-time) tt) decayed #f)))

(run-until (mystop)
          (to-appended "ey" (at-every 0.5 output-efield-y)))

but it doesn't work. I got some error, for some unknow reason to me. My level
of Scheme is very low. Any idea what I do wrong ?

Best regards.

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