
Is there a way to influence the field in meep in a specific location?
I would like to set to zero all the field values in some specific 3d
box inside the calculation volume.
There is function fields::zero_fields() but it sets to zero all the
calculation volume.
Is there a way to do it for a specific geometric_volume ?

I need it because I am still having problems with field in meep
diverging and jumping up to infinite values
when I am using symmetries. Using the output HDF files (which I
transform automatically to VTK and view in Paraview)
I noticed that the source of divergence is in fact the place where the
light source was located. Few timesteps after
the lightsource finishes working there appears a rapidly growing cone
of very small waves which soon speards around the entire calculation
So it may mean that there is something strange happening to the field
in the place where lightsource was and it may cause divergences.
I would like to set all the fields in that spot to zero when only the
lightsources finishes.

Thank you for any help,
Thomas Jefferson

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